Attack your target base but leave enough defenses standing for the base to look tempting so the ninja will have to use a tower destroying wave first in order to get to the resources. Disadvantage to this tactic is that there is a greater chance for the player your attacking to login negating your first 4 attacks and ninjas can sometimes still beat you to the attack. Prepare your looting wave and wait until the 1 hour DP expires to launch your fifth attack (you can also attack other bases in the meantime while waiting for the 1 hour DP to expire). Intentionally use the 4th attack so the base gets the 1 hour DP. Use the 1 hour DP rule to your advantage.Then use a mix of tower monsters (to take out surviving towers) and looting monsters for the last attack. Use the first attacks to take out defenses while leaving a few towers alive to discourage the ninjas from attacking.Use a mix of tower monsters and looting monsters in your attacks so you always get some resources in each attack.You also might not have sufficiently weakened the defenses to get a healthy profit from the attack. The disadvantage to raiding tactics is that there is a higher chance of setting the target in %DP. Instead of going for an all out leveling of the yard, concentrate o specific resource buildings you want to loot. Here are 4 tactics I've come across you can use to make it more difficult for them. The only thing you can do is arrange the circumstances so they have fewer opportunities to interrupt your attacks. A dedicated ninja can still steal your kill no matter how carefully you plan your attacks. Unfortunately, there is no absolute defense. Note: If you do decide to leave a silo out as bait, remember that a destroyed silo automatically gives the attacker 4% of your total banked resources no matter what it's level. You can also try giving them a juicy target in your base like placing your extra gatherers or a lone silo on the edge of your yard as bait. Lure these players to attack you by designing a deceptively weak base that attackers might be tempted to loot or even just make a farm base and let yourself be attacked a few times, then redesign to a tougher base once you have more players added to your map. The maproom is setup so that your base shows up in many players' maprooms but they won't show in yours unless they attack you. (There are numerous threads dedicated to friend requests) Invite friends to play BYM or add players in the forum as friends.I've run out of bases to attack! How do I get a bigger maproom? If those 3 methods don't work, then he might have been removed from your map after either you or he leveled up.If that doesn't work, sort the map room using the number of attacks and find the player that shows 1 new attack from.Try searching for your attacker through the picture instead. Some players' names that show up in the attack report aren't the same as what shows up in the map room.My base was attacked but the attackers don't show up in my maproom? However there is no way to determine how many times the defender has been attacked in the past 24 hours, so if they have been attacked 9 times in the past 24 hours, you get only one shot at it before 10/24DP kicks in.If the base is untouched, you should be able to destroy all the towers in up to 3 waves and still be able to send in a looting wave without triggering any of the DP rules.The HP of walls is not included when calculating the %DP rule.If someone gets attacked 10 times within 24 hours by any number of attackers, he gets 48 hours protection, beginning with the last attack.If the target attacks back, he gets added to the attackers map room again. If someone attacks the one person 10 times within 24 hours, the target will be removed from the attackers map room.If someone gets attacked 4 times in 1 hour by the same attacker, he gets 1 hour protection, beginning with the last attack.This is based upon the bases total HP and not on the percentage of buildings destroyed. If someone's base is 25-49% destroyed, he gets 18 hours protection, 50% and above he gets 36 hours protection.

But it ends, as soon as you attack any player! So only attack once you are sure that you are ready to attack and be attacked! I suggest you build up your tower, gatherer and monster levels first!ĭamage Protection - When does someone get it? This is incorporated in the game to protect players from being attacked continuously and to give players a chance to recover, redesign and retaliate.ħ days. As soon as you attack any other player, you will lose any protection. Wild monsters can still attack you when you are online. While you are under protection, you cannot get attacked by any player.